Expungement Attorney

A Spokane Expungement Attorney Can Help Alter Your Past

It may seem like no matter how many good things you do for your family, friends, and the City of Spokane, your past keeps haunting you. It’s like a permanent parenthetical phrase after your name; “John Doe, formerly convicted of (insert your crime here) will now speak to the assembly.”
An Expungement of your conviction or more technically, vacating your conviction makes it so that you won’t have to divulge or relate this part of your life to associates or most employers. Wouldn’t that be a relief? The State of Washington offers several guidelines for Expungement and possible sealing of all records related to the indiscretions of your past.
What are the steps?
You have already taken the first step, which is to locate a Spokane criminal defense lawyer that has extensive experience in Expungement and vacating convictions. Action Legal Group will take you through the entire process and represent you in your hearing to see that every consideration is taken to clear up your past.

Action Legal Group Spokane Criminal Lawyers and Dui Lawyers 5098680811
You should set up an appointment for your free initial consultation immediately so we can determine if your waiting period has been satisfied. Waiting periods can vary from a few years to over ten years. Also, the law will only vacate your last conviction.
If we are seeking to expunge your record of charges that didn’t end in conviction or if we are trying to vacate a conviction, you will not have to take these steps alone. We will be able to help determine if an Expungement is possible and then take care of the details; including a solid case for the court. We will also seek to have your records sealed so that nobody will have access to any records involved.

Action Legal Group 509-868-0811

Moving on with a clean record

You already know how heavy the burden of a past conviction can be in your day-to-day activities; and it’s not just the embarrassment. A criminal record can affect your employment and education opportunities, your housing, and even your freedom to travel to many foreign countries.
You have already experienced most of the negative effects of a criminal conviction. Now it is time to put that behind you. Our experience with the Expungement process will make it easy on you and allow you to move on with confidence.


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